miercuri, 20 februarie 2008

Searching for the real bread

I've been looking for a bread that tastes likes real, traditional bread. Don't get me wrong. I like pain aux noix or granary bread once in a while, but for my everyday meal I would like some fresh bread with just the right aroma, texture and taste. Eating the crunchy crust of a hot bread
remembers me of my childhood. So I searched a while for a bread that resembled the most to my memories. Even if I couldn't find it in a bakery so I can enjoy it while is still hot, yesterday I found a delicious bread at La Fourmi Supermarket.
It's called pane casareccio
, or "country bread", - large in size, round or oblong in form. Made of whole wheat flour, the ingredients are no more than water and natural yeast.
The crust is not very crunchy, but the taste enriches the flavor of the food. I'll keep looking for the perfect one!

Un comentariu:

Unknown spunea...

It's very hard to find these days something 100% natural.
When we were kids there was something else. We were eating only the bread your are searching for. :)
Maybe we will make our own bread factory and make that bread! :D